Getting to know you: Interview with Ian Jones

We are getting to know our employees at Skipton Business Finance by asking a series of professional and personal questions. Here we speak to Ian Jones, our Head of Sales for the Midlands.


What is your role at Skipton Business Finance?

As Head of Sales for the Midlands, my role is to drive sales and manage the introduction of businesses to Skipton Business Finance across the Midlands region.

What is the best part about your job?

I love the client interaction. The hybrid nature of my role between management and sales allows me to be involved in both sides. I get a real buzz when I am assisting clients as well as when I’m overseeing Regional Sales Directors achieve their targets and, equally as important, enjoying their roles.

What is your biggest achievement to date?

I began life as a travel agent wanting to travel the world. By my mid-twenties, I had done that and needed a change in direction. The skills I picked up in what was a cut-throat world were transferable and as I always had a keen eye on finance, I was offered an opportunity to move into the banking world without really looking back.

Who inspires you?

It’s difficult to pinpoint an individual person. I have a few inspirations. In my personal life, it’s my partner Claire who looks after a child with a disability and takes it in her stride. As I’m massively into various sports, I grew up watching Nick Faldo walk the fairways in his own blinkered style. I admired how he went about his work and how driven he was.

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

I’m definitely an early bird. I wake up no later than 6am every day and aim to be at my desk for 7am if possible. I like the two hours before mayhem commences to prepare for the day ahead.

What’s your favourite food?

My two children live in Barcelona and have become very fond of Tapas and Paella so I would have to say Catalan cuisine.

What’s your favourite film?

Stepbrothers. Those who have seen it and have a similar sense of humour to me don’t need to ask why!

What would you say is your best personality trait?

Again, it’s difficult to pinpoint one trait. I consider myself to be very driven and loyal within the work arena. Outside of work, I care a lot about the people around me and always want to help the people that are close, sometimes maybe a bit too much!

What would your perfect Saturday be like?

Tee off at 8am, have the crack with my pals on the course, a beer at the 19th hole, home for lunch, go to the match with my dad (I’m an Aston Villa season ticket holder) and then take my partner out for a quiet meal in the evening. Perfect!

If you had a superpower what would it be?

A superpower that would allow me to birdie every hole on a gold course in every round of golf I play. I realise I may not be working in Invoice Finance at that point and would instead be playing on the PGA tour!


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