
At Skipton Business Finance, we know that we have a responsibility to care for our environment and to recognise the impact that we, as a business, have on it. This is why we have implemented a range of policies to ensure that we are doing our bit for the environment.

We aim to reduce our environmental impact by tracking, offsetting and reducing our carbon footprint. To ensure that we are able to take action in the areas where there is most impact, we have set out key principles which we are committed to following.


Measures We Are Taking:

  • We are committed to continually reducing our carbon footprint and aim to offset Scope 1 and 2 emissions through purchased carbon credits.
  • We will ensure that all electricity within our Head Office and regional offices is from renewable sources where possible.
  • We are continuously striving to ensure that we reduce the amount of waste that we produce as a business. We have implemented a recycling policy within our offices to make sure that we recycle wherever possible. We are working to reduce the amount of single use plastics within our operations and working practices.
  • Launched a salary sacrifice  electric/hybrid car leasing scheme to all colleagues during 2023.
  • All suppliers used by Skipton Business Finance must meet our policy requirements, meaning we will only use responsible suppliers.


Our sustainability policy is regularly reviewed to ensure that we are doing everything we can to care for the environment. We are constantly monitoring UK environmental legislation and regulations and ensuring that any changes are acted upon. Environmental disclosures are reported in our parent company, Skipton Building Society, annual report and accounts.