The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has asked for the government to give small businesses a bigger voice in Whitehall.
A separate Government body with a seat in the cabinet has been called for by the business organisation to defend the interests of small businesses in Whitehall.
Currently many government departments deal with small business policy but there is no single voice solely prioritising small businesses and SMEs.
An example of a similar idea working abroad is in the US, where an agency called Small Business Administration (SBA) has a say at government level and helps to ensure long-term, sustainable policy measures are implemented to really help small businesses, rather than ‘eye-catching’ measures which have no real impact.
The FSB’s National Chairman, John Walker, was adamant the government needed give small businesses a voice, “The Government must think small first by giving the UK's 4.5 million small businesses a more prominent seat within Government.”
He continued, "It would allow the Government to quickly implement policies aimed at helping small businesses – such as credit easing – which firms have been waiting for since the Autumn Statement. It would give the Government a channel through which it can advertise procurement opportunities, give expert help and advice on exporting as well improve communications with small firms. All of this would in turn help to achieve growth”