Featured Business:
- Stone Supplier
- £200k Invoice Factoring facility
- Needed increased cashflow
- Found Skipton Business Finance by searching "Factoring companies for small businesses" and liked what they saw in us
This client required a full Invoice Factoring service to provide them with a £200k cashflow facility as well as a dedicated credit control team to chase and collect payments from debtors.
With an Invoice Finance facility, their staff will now have more free time to bring in new business and stimulate growth.
We wish our newest client all the success in the world!
Business confidence increasing
With more encouraging news hitting the headlines this week, as companies allocate increased spending to their marketing departments, it is looking better for the UK economy and now appears to be the time for businesses to kick on and encourage growth.
But as many companies still struggle to collect payments from debtors quickly, cashflow issues could still hinder growth.
But with an invoice finance facility supplementing your business, you can quickly and easily release money that could be otherwise tied up for 30, 60 or even 90 days!
Feel free to give our team of experts a call to see how we can help unlock your cashflow.
Contact us today
If you would like a no-obligation FREE quote, please get in touch by ringing us on 0800 0854150 (call 0330 1232437 if ringing from a mobile).
You can also email us at info@skiptonbf.co.uk.
Or why not utilise the handy form on the right and we'll call you back!