Featured Business:
- Chemical / Biological Analysis Company
- £150k confidential invoice discounting facility
- Replace bank overdraft + provide additional working capital
This client required a CID facility to provide them with a £150k cashflow facility.
They weren’t happy with their bank overdraft as it became too inflexible and unreliable, so we were more than happy to provide funds to pay off their overdraft and open up a facility with ourselves.
We hope our new client enjoys a successful year!
Invoice Finance to replace Bank Overdrafts
As banks increasingly require personal security for businesses requesting credit lines, we are finding company owners are increasingly sourcing alternative funding solutions to provide the cash they are after.
And as invoice discounting facilities can be used to pay off existing overdrafts and loans, they are suitable for many businesses with existing bank facilities they are not happy with.
Why not give our team of experts a call today to see just how invoice finance could benefit your business.